When you’re reaching out to prospects or referral sources—doing outreach of any kind, really—be specific and clear about what you’re asking for. Chances are good that you think you’re being clear when you’re not. Are you looking for a call, a Zoom meeting, or an in-person talk? Is it a one-on-one or with a group? Is it going to be ten minutes or 45? Is it a conversation or a pitch? Be detailed and straightforward about what you’re asking for.
Clarity is the antidote to anxiety. Remember that the human brain needs a quick sense of what it’s being asked before agreeing. Make it as easy as possible for your prospect to say, “Yes, I’m open to that.”
Sure, this degree of clarity might also make it easier for your prospect to say, “No, that’s not going to work for me,” but then you have a straight answer from which you can move on. You’ll be okay if it’s a no.
Be specific about what you’re asking from people, especially those who don’t know you very well. Be clear in your request—express the intent, duration, and format of the conversation you’d like to have. Always be vigilant about the details.
Ambiguity is not your friend. It’s all about clarity.
Learn what to say and how to say it. Sales advice, free templates & more.
Learn what to say and how to say it. Sales advice, free templates & more.
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